How it works

Includes information about your pictures being placed into the public domain and your posts being locked.
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Site Admin
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:23 pm

How it works

Post by Admin »

To post your pictures here you'll first need to register. Once you are registered you will need to post a nude picture in the verification section with a sign and some writing. A moderator will inspect the image and if they are happy, your account will be upgraded allowing you to make your posts.
Important When you upload your pictures, you acknowledge that you are placing it under a public domain license.

1) Register
You will need to choose a username, a password and also provide your email address (this does not get published. I captcha is also required to reduce the possibility of spam accounts.
2) You should receive an activation email which you will need to complete. If you don't receive an email, check your spam (and please kindly mark it as not spam) or try using a different provider (hotmail, google, yahoo etc). The site is brand new and email filters take some time to update. We can't do much to help in this situation. Temporary throwaway email addresses are not allowed for security reasons and your account will be banned.

3) Verify yourself!
In order to post pictures you will need to prove that you are who you say you are - this helps to prevent revenge porn and other such evil practices.
You will need to provide a fully nude picture from your thighs up and including your face. You need to hold up a sign with your username, the current date and the website name - If you're shy, then take a breath and think about it. If you're still unsure then have a good think.
Then create a new post under the verification category.
Your verification pictures initially will be only visible to moderators, if they are happy with your picture it will be published and made visible to the entire internet. Your account will also be marked as verified.
This is important to note that the site rules also apply to verification pictures. By posting the pictures you will be releasing them into the public domain, and the post lock will prevent you from removing them.

Note that it might take a while for a moderator to review your pictures as we don't have many and all are busy involved with their lives.
If your picture is rejected you can take a fresh picture and try again.

4) You can now post additional pictures in the appropriate section of the website which you will be doing so acknowledging that you are giving them a public domain licesne. You will be given a 10 minute grace period from the moment you submit your pictures, this is in case you still have doubts or have made a genuine mistake. After the 10 minute grace period has expired your post and pictures will be locked permanently.
You will not be able to request their removal since they are in the public domain and therefore you no longer own the rights to the pictures.
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